Nursery (0-3 Room)

In the Nursery we aim to replicate each child’s home routine as closely as possible to ensure a comfortable and familiar experience that meets their individual needs. We understand that consistency between home and care is an important factor to help all babies and toddlers thrive and feel happy. To achieve this level of consistency we work closely with each child’s family and maintain open communication throughout their time with us.

The educational program is specifically designed to cater to children under three years of age and is implemented in a way that is appropriate and engaging for a range of ages, skill levels and abilities.

Our program is guided by play based learning in accordance with the Early Years Learning Framework. We believe that every child learns in their own unique way and we accommodate for this by providing a wide range of opportunities and experiences for all children.

The experiences provided include those that are both educator and child driven and are adapted and modified consistently to reflect the interests and abilities of the children in our care. Ongoing reflections, evaluations and observations create the foundation for a strong program that supports and nurtures each child’s growth and learning.